Journée Club de NeuroéthologieLe mardi 21 mai aura lieu à l'INU Champollion la rencontre annuelle du Club de Neuroéthologie qui est une émanation de la Société des Neurosciences et le pendant francophone de la Société Internationale de Neuroéthologie. Le club de Neuroéthologie vise à rassembler la communauté française des chercheurs qui s'intéresse au comportement animal et à ses mécanismes neuronaux sous-jacents. Pour plus d'informations voir ici
INSCRIPTION Pas de frais de participation à cette journée. Date limite pour les inscriptions à la Journée Neuroéthologie : 15 mai 2024
9:00: Welcome
9:15 – 10:05: INVITED TALK – Stefan SCHUSTER (University of Bayreuth, Germany): “High-speed decision making in archerfish”.
10:05 – 10:25: Cécile Bellanger (Ethos – Caen): Control of body colour change in a cephalopod
10:25 – 10:45: Lola Fauré (CRCA – Toulouse): Capacity to discriminate two siblings is lost early in Alzheimer's disease mouse model
BREAK 20 min
11:05 - 11:55: INVITED TALK – Severine TRANNOY (CNRS - University of Toulouse) (35 +10): "Molecular mechanisms regulating the intensity of aggressive behaviors in Drosophila melanogaster".
11:55 – 12:15: Elena Kerjean (CRCA - Toulouse):Numbers matters: honeybees preferentially use numerical cues in an ecologically relevant task of quantity discrimination
12: 15 – 14:00: Lunch + Poster Session
14:00 – 14:50: INVITED TALK – Emily BAIRD (University of Stockholm, Sweden): “Some don't like it hot: Assessing the effect of temperature on insect foraging behavior”.
14:50 – 15:10: Alid Al-Asmar (CRCA - Toulouse): An experimental test of optimal foraging theory in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans
15:10 – 15:30: Martin Dessart (IRBI - Tours):Cognitive abilities in mosquito larvae as indicators of environmental quality
BREAK 20 min
15:50 – 16:40: INVITED TALK– Arthur LEBLOIS(CNRS - University of Bordeaux): “Exploration, motor variability and the basal ganglia-cortical network: Lessons from songbirds”.
16:40 – 17:00: Laure Tosatto (CRPN - Marseille):The role of chunk stability in sequence searning in Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
17:00 – 19:00: Poster Session + Buffet
Carvalho Da Silva (IBPS – Paris): Unraveling the effects of the short neuropeptide F (sNPF) in Winter bees
Blandine Mahot-Castaing (CRCA – Toulouse): Bumblebees under the radar: Do bees feel electromagnetic waves and can they use it as a cue to forage?
Catherine Macri (IBPS – Paris) : Uncovering the neuro-ethological components of emotions in honeybees
Alexandre Chambard (IGF – Montpellier) : Heterogeneous defensive behaviors reflect social competition in male and female mice
Claire Marcout (IBPS - Paris): Statistical learning in honey bee
Francesca Pinna (ICM – Paris): How social experience affects numerical discrimination abilities?
Eléonore Rolland (ISC - Lyon) : Evidence of organized but not disorganized attachment in wild Western chimpanzee offspring (Pan troglodytes verus)
Germán Sumbre (ENS – Paris): Whistle variability and social acoustic interactions in bottlenose dolphins
Frank Weber (IBPS – Paris):The impact of odor cues from invasive floral species on appetitive responses of honey bees: attractiveness as a factor of success
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